// These strings are stored in the App package in /Contents/Resources/en.lproj/Adobe Reader.strings
// Either Acropackager or staging will do the rename
"Quit" = "Quit";
"shBadNewsComing" = "Adobe Reader could not install correctly.";
"shEULARejected" = "The Licenese Agreement was not accepted. Adobe Reader will now quit.";
"shAuthenticationFailed" = "An invalid password or user name was entered. Adobe Reader will now quit.";
"shReinstall" = "A required component was not found. Please reinstall Adobe Reader.";
"shCouldNotInstall" = "Adobe Reader was unable to install a necessary component and must quit.";
"shNotEnoughDisk" = "Adobe Reader was unable to install due to insufficient disk space and must quit.";
"shUnknown" = "Adobe Reader was unable to install and must quit.";
"shNotCorrectOSVers1" = "Adobe Reader requires a minimum of MacOS X 10.2.2 (Jaguar).";
"shNotCorrectOSVers2" = "Please go to www.apple.com for more information on upgrading to Jaguar.";
"Copyright" = "Copyright 1987-2003 Adobe Systems Incorporated and its licensors. All rights reserved.";
"Starting" = "Starting...";
"Checking" = "Checking installation...";
"Version" = "Version";
"ResourceMismatch" = "The currently selected language resources are not supported by the current version of Adobe Reader. Please reselect the language in the International System Preferences panel.";